Monday, August 29, 2011

Hey! I guess it's a greeting from me. Err...jeez what am i doing?:/
What's up? Everything's good?
I just got back from uh..nowhere, which made me missing like months in this virtual journal.
Suddenly come to type when a friend of mine who exploring and updating Remaja Ceria Jakarta Timur's blog, and i thought like, "hey, i haven't see my blog like years". So, here i am!:D
I'm doing good, it's nearly Idul Fitri in here. So i'm pretty excited to finally meet that moment.

What am i doing all this time?
Have i tell you that um.. I joined Remaja Ceria (Youth and Sport Ambassador) in my region. IT'S BEYOND HAPPY. Enough said. I mean, like, really, i'm very happy until it makes me speechless.
Will tell you more about that on upcoming posts.
I'm in the mood for sharing some photos on it.
You might as well see it. ;)

Left to Right: Me, Ajeng, Dyas, Muti, Fika, Nanda, Nasywa, Leony, Kevin, Sha, Linda

Left to Right: Me, Leony, Riri, Kissy

With pretty Denia ;)

Left to Right: Ajeng, Leony, Me, Riri
Those photos was taken in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, for East photosession. It was FFFFUN!
I'll post it later! Ciao, people.
I got cough to be silenced for. :)

Friday, April 01, 2011

Eternal love.

Mom, i can't stand seeing Dad watches those tv all night long, everynight.
I know he's lonely.
I know he haves me, and bro, but still, there's no way we can replace your figure, Mom.
I miss you, like, everyday. This is miserable, but i can go thru it all.
It's just, i know Dad miss you even more.
I just can't imagine if he was me.
Now, seeing that with that tv, to keep him entertaining, he said, "Later", when i told him to sleep, i can't stand with that.
I'm not complaining, Mom. That'll makes you worry about us up there.
I'm just missing you, like usual.
If i could do anything, anything, to make Dad happy, i'll do it.
God didn't give even a single time to make you happy, to even remember your words, or your face, so, i just want to make any last people, who loves me unconditionally, who will never leave my by any chance, happy.
I'm just hoping now God gives me plenty of time to do that.

I know it when Dad suddenly smiles at me, he remembers you. I swear he does.
They said, i'm pretty much like you, Mom. Like, the Mini-you. Dad also said that.
They said, you died, because of me. Because our face are similar. I don't know where does that came from. Little did, i cry everytime people says it.
Look, Mom. I ain't complain. Not at all.
I just don't want to see him miserable. I just want to make him happy. I just don't want him to feel lonely.
I'm not a good daughter for him, i know. I always make him upset.
When i got home, he came up with stories about his friend's children who successfully accomplished, i don't know, some job, some degree. He never pushes me to do the same, i know. He never push me that far. He just like the type of father that wants his kids successful, and provide every little thing his child need to do so. He's wonderful, Mom. I cannot ask for more to God. He is my everything, my very best father. The best father that anyone could ask for.
I can't imagine if he's not around. I'll be damned. Like, really.
I swear it is fine for me to live in a very small place, less foods, less sweaters, or everything. As long as i have Dad.
I whisper you, Mom, and Dad, in every pray. Hug them in loneliness, God. Love them like they love me, and i love them. let them be by your side, someday, God.
I love you, Mom, Dad, until my last breath.
I miss you, Mom, Dad, until my last breath.

I cried all the way i typed this, but i'm fine.
I ain't complain, Mom. Don't you worry.

Be good up there, Mom. Be happy down here, Dad. With me&bro.
Oh yes, Welcome April.

your only daughter.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Do you respect yourself?

Pardon my capital words-used, and the bold too. I mean, i'm furious. Waaay too furious.
Another case of leaked nude photos from social media is floated. This time, by Facebook. And unfortunately, came from Indonesia. This not-so-teenager, a college student from Jakarta, posted her approximately 28 nude photos on Facebook, and leaked, then the issues went abroad, until (by far i've heard) USA.
Nothing special (for me) looking at those photos, it was just 28 photos of showing your material (which for me, can only seen by my husband).
But, for me as a girl (yes, i'm a girl ha-ha), i am humiliated.
I mean, whether it's wrong or right, but you are not a porn model, T (her initial name). I mean, come on. Do you, T, or any other person who does that too, does that for seeking AN attention?
Well, guess what. People who paying attention to you, are only paying attention to your material. People who collect thousand pictures, or videos, or whatever.
I really don't have any rights to forbid it, i know i don't. It's just, i cannot find a proper, best suitable reason about why is she act like that? I feel.........pity.
She's in my age. Our age.
She's also a college student, just like me.
Saddest thing is, she is just a girl, like me.
Why is she put photos like that on soc-med, which we know can spread freely, can be freely see too by anyone even if they're not even your friends, blows my mind.
How about the family? Which literally raised the kid? Your behavior shows how your family treats you.
If you're doing good, people will also judge "that's because her parents treat her very well."
But if you're doing such a thing? How does that impact your family, that maybe treat you well already, but it just only you went unrespectfully out of mind behavior?
We live in 2011, people. Evvverything, i mean everything, can be spread faster than you can imagine, on the internet mostly. Including this issue. That is why WE NEED TO USE INTERNET WISELY.
Filter. Filter. Filter.
Filter things. Whether things you can post it online, or things that belongs to your private consumption.
Because there are so many aspects will affects you careless behavior.
Girls, we're grown-ups. We need to respect ourself, by not doing such a thing.
So there will be no more humiliated issues.
And remember, your body is a wonderland (and belongs to your family, your life-partner, and of course, yourself.)
It is wonderland because only special people can sees it by their eyes. 
But if random people can sees it, it is no longer wonderland.
(forgive my metaphore, anw:P)

Anyway, i was just fart, and i swear it smells zuper duper stinks! Ah..if only i can share the smell online. Yea, that one thing probably the one that i'm gonna share. My fart. Not the part of my body that produce fart. Never.


Here goes the tuesday. I have nothing to do at home so i decided to go to school now. Friends are busy with tests, others are already home by their own. I mean, their real home, not "Kostan". My short-term-so-called-holiday-but-not-so-holiday are good, tho. Here i am, at my school's library, drooling over Glee, Youtube-ing Boyce Avenue, checking out timeline, while craving for pizza. I didn't say it was gurrreat but it's fair enough rather than let myself stink at home. I just miss school. The umm feeling, the crowd, the foods, the vibe, can'y get it while i'm in home.
Why am i even in short-term-so-called-holiday-but-not-so-holiday? Literally, my mid-term tests are over. At least for my minority. That's why i still checking out my friends in other minorities today drooling over comm-theory. So i got a week free.......BUT! (Uuu the 'but' part is always been important twists) the assignments, the meeting-this meeting-that is still goin on around. Yea, hecticness hurts. We might as well enjoy it, tho. <3
D's fine, we're growin up cool and hot in the same time, i mean, in the positive way. It's kinda like our joke "We're cool, and hot! Right, honey?LOL" (Don't take that term to serious, tho)
Anyways, we're just got back from Puncak! Ah..that time. That w w wonderful, priceless, loving time. I'll spread the story right away teehee :D *blushed*
Now, i think i gotta go streched myself for sitting here for hours, while wait my dad to pick me up.



Monday, March 21, 2011

What's up?

LLLLong time no see, blog! Anyway it's kinda weird tho, to post something on my faculty library which can be seen with the people around. Ah..anyway, how's life? Mine's cool. Mid-term test already began, and today is the first day. Thing surely change around Feb-Mar, BEM things, Lovelife things (which drove me crazy either for became overwhelmed with lots of love D came with, also for things that drove me down, story up next.).
Yeah, really. Things happen. Maybe i'll spit it one by one but not now, since in this library i can only surfing for an hour, and there is umm.. 20 minutes left. I brought my laptop tho, maybe i'll use it later.
I can go home already, but Dad hasn't arrive yet, i texted him, but he didn't answered. Neither did D, according to my bbm. Well, have a good day! Maybe i'll come back in 15 minutes, when sun isn't hot like this time.

Sunday, February 06, 2011

So long, late-wakeups;-/

YEAAAP YOU HEARD ME RITE. So long, late wake-ups. Tomorrow, my holiday is reach the end. Or maybe tonight. No late sleep, no late wakeup neither. Whoa.
Inspite of all the thoughts that this transition, between holidays, and schooldays will lasts horrible, i am so glad to come back in school again, in fact. (Yea i know, shud've said college but, i love school more, so..:P) I mean, like i said in my recent post, it feels so good to be back at school when you can find your partners-in-crime.  Well that in my case, my #comm10 fellas.
Bfffttt shud have some dinner now. Dad calls. 
To end this post, TARRRAAAA! I give you my heccctic schedule:
(Click to enlarge)
You think THAT is hectic? Hohoho you haven't seen this tiny little blue box in Thursday's schedule: 
(Click to enlarge)
Oh yes. KISS OF DEATH. Now THAT is hectic, ma friend. Lmao.

What to post?

Yes. What to post? I seriously running out of ideas, what blog thingy's supposed to be written.
Well, i guess i'll start to type about my blog's URL. It says Jourty on it. Do you find it strange? Like, you haven't heard about that before...umm, well, it's not a proper english, tho. It's an acronym i made, from Journey and Uty. Pretty fail, huh?lol so, it says,  journey of uty, that being captured. Huahahaha just trying to be some poetic and turns out trashy, ya knaw?.....kinda fail. Lawl.
Hokey dokey, that's why i'll start to present this blog, about every single factors, aspects, that life has. Families, friends, enemies, frenemies, you name it. You are about to see the battlefield of not just mine, but others around too.
Let's meet my tons of friends first, shall we?

1. Senior-high friends
Here's from 11th Grade
This one with one of my best, Siti Mariam Ulfa, in Graduation (the previous photo's w/ her too)

These are my 12th Grade fellas, all photo shootin for our Yearbook

This one's from The Prom, with my close fella, Rio 'Babi' (pardon the nickname:p)

Aaand recently, we met again on Ninetynine Campus Expo '11! All dressed w/ their "college jackets"

Sponsored by: Pocari Sweat

Remember my fella, Rio "Babi"? Found sumthin strange? Yep. He's slimmer. Way too slimmer. Dislike.
2. College Friends
Looooong time to write down sentences, words, paragraphs, about this bunch of kiddos, so, gonna post it later. Here are some photos:
Woot! Bunch of us, in Balairung for Graduation Choir

Here we are, in some kinda inauguration night called Commnite

With the loving people around

Stunning outfits, eh? It's for our Parody in Gelas Teko 3 (a music/culture event in our Faculty)

With Amanda "best-mate" Cesira. Enuff said.
And yes, i also have friends out of my school-college thingy, but, let's catch 'em on another posts later on hehe oh well......
The thing is, i have this hugggge love, for all of them. I really have.
Friends are one of your everything, don't you think? Seriously, sometimes, or maybe everytime, you feel like i feel like, i went to school or college just because i can meet them, inspite of all the subjects that i gonna get on the rest of the day, isn't that good to have bunch of people that suffer the same things?
If i don't have them, friends you know, my life would be like rains, without rainbows. There's nothing i can count on with, when misery comes.


GEEZ. I feel so 2k11……..and left behind. Everybody seems having all kind of social sites available, and here i am, stucked in another human-creature-site, Blog. Hello, there. Meet your new neighbor, a newbie, a beginner, or you do tell how to call.

I’ve been surfing randomly to anybody’s Blog these recent days (yea since i’ve got nothing to do but grumbling and drooling over my bed with snacks and stacks over the holiday, but guess what? Holiday is going to reach the end, tomorrow.), so then i thought maybe i should start to make my own account of Blog.
Here i am, then. Welcome me to this site, i hope i enjoy the rest of the adventure, and pour it down here. Putting many of inspiring thoughts on internet, finding many genious-God-sent bloggers, or just doodling around, make fun of everything, and just go for it.
So, let me introduce myself, my name is Muthia Septiani, or you can just go with Uti. 17-years-old with this average height, average weight, black hair and brown eyes. I found my passions on sport, basketball especially, dancing all kinds of dance, and learning many kinds of foreign languages. Eat carbs, have a big love for seafood, can’t stand without music, kills boredom with it. Laugh hard, sleep much, part-time student in one of State University in Indonesia.
Full-time clown, and if i might add from my twitter Bio: “A helpless procrastinator, though an ace in daydreaming. Oh and also, Ryota Miyagi-in-the-making.” yea just typical of ordinary girl your mom would like, your dad would ordered to wash the dishes.
For me, being around good friends is one of the greatest feeling, so, let’s be friends! And i mean, literally, too. You guys should teach me how to follow this follow that, add this gadget, do's and dont's, or i don’t know, doing Blog’s stuffs:P

Well, here comes the first trashes lmao