Sunday, February 06, 2011


GEEZ. I feel so 2k11……..and left behind. Everybody seems having all kind of social sites available, and here i am, stucked in another human-creature-site, Blog. Hello, there. Meet your new neighbor, a newbie, a beginner, or you do tell how to call.

I’ve been surfing randomly to anybody’s Blog these recent days (yea since i’ve got nothing to do but grumbling and drooling over my bed with snacks and stacks over the holiday, but guess what? Holiday is going to reach the end, tomorrow.), so then i thought maybe i should start to make my own account of Blog.
Here i am, then. Welcome me to this site, i hope i enjoy the rest of the adventure, and pour it down here. Putting many of inspiring thoughts on internet, finding many genious-God-sent bloggers, or just doodling around, make fun of everything, and just go for it.
So, let me introduce myself, my name is Muthia Septiani, or you can just go with Uti. 17-years-old with this average height, average weight, black hair and brown eyes. I found my passions on sport, basketball especially, dancing all kinds of dance, and learning many kinds of foreign languages. Eat carbs, have a big love for seafood, can’t stand without music, kills boredom with it. Laugh hard, sleep much, part-time student in one of State University in Indonesia.
Full-time clown, and if i might add from my twitter Bio: “A helpless procrastinator, though an ace in daydreaming. Oh and also, Ryota Miyagi-in-the-making.” yea just typical of ordinary girl your mom would like, your dad would ordered to wash the dishes.
For me, being around good friends is one of the greatest feeling, so, let’s be friends! And i mean, literally, too. You guys should teach me how to follow this follow that, add this gadget, do's and dont's, or i don’t know, doing Blog’s stuffs:P

Well, here comes the first trashes lmao


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